Monday, September 22, 2008


I set zoom animation for Y, model because was more appropriate for my ideas and the models. The cut I had in Y model the ideas behind is something escalating into bigger, the purpose I was thinking of this was that the effects of explosion structure and I demonstrate the more below of the model its more effects.
X model

For x model as the percentage was 33% I tried to think of an ideas without cutting too much. So I thought cutting linear and my ideas it’s the way high rising structures collapse when the explosion transpire and the effects from top of the structure to the bottom .it’s also represent the architecture form seem . The animation is Linear cuts rotating it seem continuing.

The model before cuts

Monday, September 15, 2008

solidworks tutorials

Soldworks it’s very similar to all other CAD programs I had used, much more like Rhinoceros. Difficulty I had find in the programs it was that, we disable to type dimension. In other way was very useful for the task we build the geometry I think was very appropriate for the task as in solid works we create planes to allow us to draw.
As my first time, I was using solid works was incredibly pleasurable program and it encourage me to learn. To very first time I was looking through into the tutorials to discover the tools being in the program was same to all other CAD programs. In my first attempt to the program I undertook the tutorial and practiced from the model I follow the tutorial was easy to use solid works but the difficulty I had find in the programs it was that, we disable to type dimension

Revolves and Sweeps


Lesson 1 - Parts