Monday, September 15, 2008

solidworks tutorials

Soldworks it’s very similar to all other CAD programs I had used, much more like Rhinoceros. Difficulty I had find in the programs it was that, we disable to type dimension. In other way was very useful for the task we build the geometry I think was very appropriate for the task as in solid works we create planes to allow us to draw.
As my first time, I was using solid works was incredibly pleasurable program and it encourage me to learn. To very first time I was looking through into the tutorials to discover the tools being in the program was same to all other CAD programs. In my first attempt to the program I undertook the tutorial and practiced from the model I follow the tutorial was easy to use solid works but the difficulty I had find in the programs it was that, we disable to type dimension

Revolves and Sweeps


Lesson 1 - Parts

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